Friday, March 26, 2010

Bibliography of Clarion Articles

Clarion Journal of Spirituality and Justice Articles

The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil and Exiles from Nowhere: Reviews by Brad Jersak Clarion 25 Mar. 2010.

The Multiple Morphing Faces of FreedomClarion 08 Jan. 2010.

Discernment: Testing My Own Voice Clarion 02 Nov. 2009.

Reconciled to What? Personal and Public Reconciliation in Canadian Aboriginal ContextClarion 13 June 2009.

Called Out of DarknessClarion 04 Mar. 2009.

Principle Outweighs ExpedienceClarion 04 Jan. 2009.

Editorial: I’ve Been to the Mountain Top by MLK” 04 Nov. 2008.

Review of A New Christian Manifesto by Bob EkbladClarion 24 Oct. 2008.

Beyond Cynicism: the Renewal of Prophetic PurityClarion 10 Oct. 2008.

Seventy Rings: Tribute to Irene JersakClarion 17 Sept. 2008.

Double or Nothing: Announcement by Brad JersakClarion 14 Sept. 2008.

“'I Will Diminish’: Humility as the Prophetic Benchmark.Clarion 15 July 2008.

On Crucifying the Prophetic Ego.Clarion 08 June 2008.

Follow Your Heart! Really?Clarion 29 May 2008.

Brad and Dominic Jersak. “Gems from Tilly: Interview, Review and Excerpt.” 22 Jan 2008.

You are Who You Pretend to Be.Clarion 20 Jan. 2008.

Those the Father Gave Me.” Clarion 14 Jan. 2008.

Meg Tilly: A Spirituality of Courage and Hope.Clarion 01 Dec. 2007.

Winter Readings.” Clarion 03 Nov. 2008.

Watchmen Versus Watchdogs.” Clarion 01 Oct. 2007.

Methinks He Budged: An Evening with J. I. Packer.” Clarion 27 Sept. 2007.

Cynic or Prophet? What’s the Difference?Clarion 30 Aug. 2007.

Three-score and Ten: Tribute to DadClarion 28 Aug. 2007.

Excerpt: Stricken by God? Nonviolent Identification and the Victory of Christ.Brad Jersak and Michael Hardin, eds. Clarion 10 July 2007.

The Word of God.Clarion 30 Aug. 2006.

The Myth of Proportionality.” Clarion 20 July 2006.

The Voice of Christ: Sweet and Salty.” Clarion 10 July 2006.

Brita Miko with Brad Jersak. “Die With Me: Pickton, Jesus and Me.” Clarion 06 July 2006.

Diverging or Converging: Nuancing the Emerging Church.” Clarion 01 July 2006.

Mysticeti Discernment.Clarion 24 July 2006.

Interview: Bringing Life to the Killing Fields with Brian McConaghy.Clarion 21 July 2006.

The Practicability of Christ’s Commands: Reflective Review of The Sermon on the Mount: The Modern Quest for its Meaning by Clarence Bauman.Clarion 11 June 2006.

Why I Said, ‘YET.’Clarion 09 June 2006.

The God We Hear.Clarion 09 June 2006.

‘But I say to you…’ Reflective Book Review of Peace is the Way by Depak Chopra. Clarion 09 June 2006.

Review of Violence, Hospitality and the Cross by Hans Boersma.” Clarion 09 June 2006.

Review of Speaking My Mind by Tony Campolo.” Clarion 09 2006.

The Government’s God-Given Right to Bear the Sword.” Clarion 09 2006.

The ‘Fear No Evil’ Interview with Tony Campolo.” Clarion 09 2006.

Bono, Coupland, and the Word Made Flesh.Clarion 09 2006.

The Prophetic ‘Zone’?” Clarion 08 2006.

Pied Piper Prophets.” Clarion 08 2006.

The Victorious, Weaponless King of My Heart.Clarion 08 2006.

Do We Need the Prophets?Clarion 08 2006.

Is ‘Beholding the Lord’ Guided Imagery?Clarion 08 2006.

God-Chasing, Pressing In, and Other Veil Language.” Clarion 08 2006. .

Reflections on Gettysburg.Clarion 08 2006.

Eden Jersak, "The Spacious Place" Clarion 08 2006.

Brad Jersak and Shannon McGuire. “Dangers and Ironies of the ‘Enemy-is-a-Cancer’ Argument: Two Friends Chatting Across the Border.Clarion 08 2006.

Eden Jersak. "In the Presence of Mine Enemies" Clarion 08 2006.

A Way through the Fog: the Winchester Lookout Parable.Clarion 08 2006.

A Bruise Called Haiti.Clarion 08 2006.

Oaths.Clarion 08 2006.

"A Chilling Prophecy Unheeded" Clarion 08 2006.

My Greenday Dream of a Just Society.” Clarion 08 2006.

“‘But I say to you…’ Reflective Book Review of Peace is the Way by Depak Chopra.” Clarion 4 Easter 2005: 22-26. Print.

“The Axis of Fear” Clarion 3 All Saints/All Souls 2004: 30-21. Print.

“Editorial: What is Clarion?” Clarion 2 Easter 2004: 1. Print.